Тhe come-back of the advertisers
The revived advertising market in Bulgaria is currently experiencing a shortage of educated marketing and advertising professionals. But the way from enthusiastic graduates to skilled practitioners is not always an easy shortcut. The most popular weakness of the education remains the lack of a strong link between the theoretical basis and business praxis. Fortunately, this gap can be filled through modernized university programs. Programs need to supply proper and adequate information about the profession at first-stage bachelor level. Master's programs also need to be updated in order to create and strengthen an effective relationship between education and business. Some universities have already opened their doors to business professionals as lecturers to initiate the change.
Dr. Vanya Babanin, Global Marketing and Communications Director for Monbat Economic Group and Brand Management Lecturer at NBU, says that practitioners from the corporate world find it very natural to use exercises and know-how to show students the day-to-day reality of the profession. That way students are able to decide for themselves if it is right for them. "To do this, however, you have to link it to real business and show them examples, case studies and new international trends. You also have to compare them to Bulgaria because most of them will work here," she says.
She maintains that students especially seek out, and highly value, personalized feedback from lecturers. “For me, it’s important to give them one more chance after an intensive analysis and discuss where there is room for potential improvement," Babanin adds.