Getting Started with Customer Journey Mapping
Segment your target market and profile every segment. you must map separately for each one of the segments. Remember: the journey does not start or end with the purchase decision. Combine all brand touch points with every single action of the customer – starting with the brand recognition and recall through brand knowledge and ending (a cycle), possibly with customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, or possibly with becoming an ex-customer (and reasons why).
Try to visualize (or at least define) as much as possible about influences and dilemmas on-the-way. Do not take the click traits to use customer journey mapping tools until you have a pretty clear idea of all the steps, touch- and pain-points during the decision and consumption process (possible with visualized interfaces).
Get into as much detail as possible. For insights, use deep interviews with real customers, customers-to-be (but who are not) and ex-customers. If available for your business model, also use online tracking tools and projective technics, such as experience diaries, daily-routine or bubble-fill-in situations.
Stay focused on your main tasks to find out as much as possible for the drivers and pain points, facilitators and obstacles in the process of knowing, consuming and getting attached to your product and service. (It will be helpful if you manage to do so also for your main competitors.)