
Some numbers behind spending money

Marketing and communication directors gave their opinion about the sponsorship in Bulgaria. Among the most popular sponsoring areas are the sport (32%), the culture (20%) and Bulgarian movies and TV series (10%).

What someone sees, you get

Not long ago a successful Canon promo appeared. Successful, because since O’Henry’s short storiesit was proven that the provoking situations and surprising outcomes contain the formula for audience’s interest. 

A quick response to the new logo of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, signs behind it discovered. 

How to discover some of the most famous semantic concepts in the world of automotive marketing communications? Find out explanations and examples for intertextuality, synchrony and diachrony, redundancy, continuum and zero morphemes (in Bulgarian) in my article

PESO, internet usage and change in media relevance – decoded for marketers

To be connected – as the marketers should read it.  Add-ons: basic tips to consider for your marketing and PR activities 

Specifically and very honest attitude towards everything and everyone. Transparency in addition to truth, necessarily responsibility. Find out more of my perspective to the communication ethics in the interview (in Bulgarian)

About this year’s PR Prize Contest, about the new trends in communication and about the ethics – we had a pleasant, cute talk at Media OnAir with Janni Diadovska and Donika Rizova as a moderator and host. The abstract (in Bulgarian) explores our expectations for the participants and projects @ PR Prize 2015

This interview (in Bulgarian) showcases how I see the challenges within the big matrix corporate structures, where the focus lies with the strategic planning and key messages and which are the main differences between in-house communicators and agency outsourcing decision. You can also find some expectations I had as a member of the jury for PR Prize 2015.

In Bulgaria we have gathered together Mid February to share experience about dealing with crisis situation from communicational perspective.