employees program
The challenge
The group of Balkan Star is among the largest automotive structures in Bulgaria with complex automotive solutions, wholesale and retail with 12 different brands and over 800 employees located in 5 cities. For their integration, motivation and further development a relevant employees program was needed. The challenge consisted not only in the different locations, information access and diversity of the professional profiles covering from c-management to retail service mechanics or accounting clerks. More over the brand cultures varied through the companies and divisions in the group of Balkan Star.
The solution
In order to identify some of the improvement potentials an inquiry was made with some insightful ideas coming from the employees themselves and pointing out some of the important areas where additional efforts were needed. The employees program consisted of improvement of the internal information with tailor-made intranet portal, development and conduction of internal newsletter (bilingual, every two months, printed and electronic), employees events, regular management meetings, corporate reporting system with management of information and reporting flows within the group (internally and externally), team buildings and special trainings. As part of the restructuring some new departments were established and the HR-responsibilities were re-organized.
The outcome
The employees program put the corporate brand of Balkan Star in the middle of the interaction and communication assuring strengthening of the corporate values and homogenous culture for all group employees. The information and communication improvement increased the company affiliation and resulted in better motivation thanks to the improved team spirit. The latest was additionally supported by the cross-divisional matrix orientation.
As second-step outcome of the employees program the corporate brand was strengthened also externally, positioning the group of companies as reliable partner, complex solutions provider with high quality of the services that made its employees part of its success.