business evaluation

Setting the stage for strategy directions

The challenge

The management of Balkan Star decided to reconsider the positioning of the group and based on it to develop a new long-term business strategy. For this reason a more exact documentation of the status quo was needed. The challenge for me was to consider a proper way to describe the current situation and a political correct solution for the focus of the mid-term planned activities which to be acknowledged by the extended executive board.

The solution

Two were the main questions I had to deal with in this project – how to evaluate the status-que and how to proceed with the driving of a good strategic solution for all involved.

For the evaluation I developed an assessment system that analyzed every division’s field of action separately.  In two and a half months I conducted a field research based on the divisions’ expertise. Based on it I shaped the evaluation criteria. For each of these evaluation criteria we had to set a measurement scale with four rating scores without a balancing center. All criteria I translated into performance indicators and matrixed them strategic pillars.

Having the exact evaluation of the status-que all that remained was to unite the extended executive board of the group to make a strategic decision for the future business focus. The intense discussion of my research findings resulted in definition of the spheres of interest which are to be strengthened. On this basis I introduced working groups for every single field of activity leading myself the corporate brand management team. 

The outcome

I developed a custom-made evaluation methodology based on company owned expertise and company owned data. The comprehensive information for the main activities of the group was summed up in a measurable way. It crafted a business overview for the owner and the executive management team. The basic pillars consisted of 8 KPIs which were built on the 365 PI, each one of them separately evaluated with its own measurement scale.

The methodology made possible for the group to define the exact current situation of Balkan Star and to set a basis for comparison between brands and departments. It also focused the future activities in working groups making achievement of the strategic targets measurable over time. Based on this Balkan Star was able to assure sustainable business development.