How to manage change communication?
How to communicate in a corporate context and how to best act in times of crisis - this was the keynote speech at the biggest traditional annual event of MercerMarshBenefits in Bulgaria. At this event are presented the results from the Total Remuneration Survey in the country, as well as the latest global talent trends.
Challenging times put the need to communicate change relevant in the limelight, said Dr Vanya Babanin, brand and reputation management consultant. She pointed out that according to the Global Talent Trends survey of Mercer 98 per cent of senior executives were planning transformations. Mercer Thrive45, the study about attitudes, reveals that 97% of employees consider as extremely important to get relevant and up-to-date corporate information, especially in times of changes and crises.
"Changes will continue to happen, sometimes not in the way we planned them. The reason for this gap is most often communication," said Dr Babanin, providing insights from three change communication case studies from her work.
In conclusion, the brand management consultant explained lifetime learning to be among the most crucial prerequisites for successful change communication.