Reputation Management

Whose Responsibility is it?

Reputation is viewed as the image of an organization, which affects the image of its services and products. Reputation lies in the heart of all connections within an organization.

The organization builds its “face” when communicating with external parties, just as an individual would do. Same applies in the communication process with clients, suppliers, and partners, employees, media, opinion makers, competitors, state and local authorities, various public groups. All of this is part of the business cycle. Everyone sees part of the image and everyone conveys his/hers own experience among the groups, where (s)he communicates.

That’s why the most essential question is whether an organization manages its own reputation or the various departments try to do it separately.

Best case scenario is when an organization has an unified image and key messages - the main ideas which it wants to convey and promote to both its employees and external stakeholders. They can only differ in terms of the format and the degree of exposure.

All actions of a certain organization need to comply with those key messages.

All main players and key messages contribute to the creation of the corporate reputation, but the steering of the process remains a topic for the senior management.

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